Immersion in hot water raises the body temperature and causes the blood vessels to dilate, increasing circulation. The buoyancy of the water reduces body weight by approximately 90%, which relieves pressure on joints and muscles and creates the relaxing sensation of weightlessness.
There are three factors at work in a spa: heat, buoyancy and massage. Together, they create a relaxing, soothing hydromassage experience.
Immersion in hot water raises the body temperature and causes the blood vessels to dilate, increasing circulation. The buoyancy of the water reduces body weight by approximately 90%, which relieves pressure on joints and muscles and creates the relaxing sensation of weightlessness.
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The massaging action of a spa is created by sending a mixture of warm water and air through jet nozzles. This “energized” stream of water loosens tight muscles and stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers.
Discover what ancient cultures knew millennia ago – immersion in hot water can be good for your body, mind and spirit. Besides providing a relaxing experience, a long, soothing soak in your Hot Spring spa could be just what the doctor ordered. A body of well-documented research suggests that hot water immersion can lower your blood pressure, increase blood circulation, loosen tight muscles and release endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers. Here are just a few benefits you may experience from hot water hydromassage therapy:
*The use of hot water or heat is recommended for many people with arthritis but not all. Consult with your physcian first. **New England Journal of Medicine.